Review - Jameson Irish Whiskey


Rating 4 Glasses


  • Distillery: John Jameson & Son Ltd
    • Years Aged: NAS
    • Proof: 80
      • Local Price (USD): $29.95
        • Availability: Widespread


Tasting Notes

  • Color & Consistency: Honey with thin legs
  • Nose: Apples & alcohol
  • Taste: Low heat but smooth with  vanilla & citrus
    • Finish: I forgot already
  • Conclusion: Jameson is at the top of the Irish whiskey world by capturing 80% of all sales globally. In the United States the annual figures alone are staggering with #1 being of course Jameson w/ over 2 Million cases sold, followed by #2 - Bushmills (185K Cases) & #3 - Tullamore D.E.W. (142K Cases).
  • What us Americans would usually term as table/house whiskey, Jameson being so readily available makes it a great mixer but is also enjoyable to drink neat or on the rocks (a staple in Matt's cabinet). This is the whiskey you bring to a party because the price doesn't leave you broke and it won't embarrass you in front of your friends. Only real downside is it being so well blended, balanced & smooth you may not be able to pick out as many unique aromas and flavors to break down. We want to applaud Jameson for fueling the Irish whiskey revolution that has been happening over the past decade or so and look forward to experiencing more of what the region has to offer.
  • Fun Facts:
  • Did you know John Jameson isn't actually Irish?
  • Even though Jameson Original is a NAS the distillate is usually aged between 5 & 7 years