Review - Jameson Black Barrel Irish Whiskey

Rating 4 Glasses



Tasting Notes

  • Color & Consistency: Thin and yellow like the villain from an old Spaghetti Western
  • Nose: Slightly medicinal with hints of sherry and vanilla
    • Taste: Vanilla & a little bit nutty with low heat but still very smooth.
    • Finish: Short & sweet. Very bourbon-esque.

Conclusion: Taking the place of the very popular 12 year Select Reserve, Black Barrel fills the shoes well. Sweet, spicy & fruity notes appear throughout thanks to the pot still and grain whiskies hanging around in sherry casks & twice charred bourbon barrels (hence the name). Being aged an average of 12 years it is significantly more diverse than Jameson Original or Caskmates but stays true to its namesake.